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Sex Doll Feet Options

Sex Doll Feet Options

In today’s society, technology enables the love doll to be much more to your tastes, making each individual doll selected unique to its user. Realistic TPE love dolls are everywhere, and they now look even more realistic than ever. The standing feet option makes your doll the most realistic option possible. If you might be considering purchasing a standing love doll or positioning your love doll upright, if even briefly, or you wish to dress your love doll in shoes, the standing feet option is best for you and might be the only way you can avoid damaging the bottom of your love doll’s feet.

What are the standing foot options available for love dolls?

  1. No standing.
  2. Standing with normal screws.
  3. Standing with bolts.
  4. Standing without bolts.
option se foot regular

Non Standing

option se foot standing

Standing with Bolt

Standing without Bolt

On average, there are three bolts that protrude from the bottom of the love doll’s foot, placed on the flat parts of the doll’s feet to enable the best balancing, especially when without support. When the love doll is stood upright, the weight is distributed to the bolts, so the pressure is not transmitted to the soft flesh of the love doll’s foot, therefore reducing the damage being done to the foot. These bolts can be taken off at any time once they are installed and then reinstated when it is time to stand the love doll. These bolts can also be permanently placed and have adjustable heights (all you need to do is tighten or loosen the bolts)  

What is the difference between standing feet and regular feet?

They are the exact same feet with some minor modifications. In order to improve the doll’s balance and enable it to have the ability to stand unaided, the standing feet have minor differences from the regular feet. The standing feet have redesigned ankles, with reinforced feet bottoms. Regular feet are flexible, while standing feet are rigid, so they can only bend from 90 – 150 degrees in downward angles. They do not have upward or side motion.

Can standing feet dolls wear high heel shoes?

High heels can be worn on the love doll’s foot, but the love doll should not be wearing heels while standing. Only flat shoes should be made use of while standing. You should balance your love doll and ensure that the foot and the love doll itself both rest on the bolts and not the delicate TPE parts of the feet when it stands. Hold onto the doll until it has balanced, and it will stand unsupported once it has found its balance.  

Which love dolls are offered with standing feet?

With the exception of the doll torsos, all love dolls up to 100cm can come with standing feet.

Do not expect your love doll to support its own weight for too long. Make use of supports to distribute its weight. Alternatively, use a mannequin fixture or stand.

Standing without Bolts

In the past, if you wished for your love doll to stand, support bolts had to be installed on their soles, although it would ruin the foot’s already attractive appearance. Now the technology to stand without the addition of the bolts exists, maintaining the attractive appearance while also enabling the love doll to stand. Please take care not to stand the love doll for too long.

In general, the principle is to join materials of different firmness in different areas of the foot. Adding in a harder material supports the doll’s bodily weight in the stressed areas. (Please see attached)

In this manner, the body gains support while maintaining its softness and flexibility in the joints. The demonstration video is below.   

The innovative idea of putting together a silicone doll without making use of bolts is perfect on the way to even greater perfection so that the love doll is very human-like in each individual way.


kb feet standing no

None Standing

kb feet standing without bolt

Standing Without Bolt

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