CategoriesSex Doll Buyer Guide

A Complete Manual For Full Customization Of Your Unique Sex Doll


In this contemporary time, sex dolls have become a household name and have attracted a lot of users who are attracted by their variety and unique features. It offers both companionship and partnership. Although for some people who are new to sex dolls, the utilization of sex dolls is still a welcoming idea ready for exploration, most times they don’t know how to go about finding or selecting the perfect doll to fulfill their fantasies. This complete manual will assist you in exploring the world of sex dolls and how to find the perfect doll to meet your special needs. With several selections to choose from and also provisions to customize your unique and special doll to your taste, there is an endless choice to choose from.

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Available options for customization

If you decide to select products that are currently out of stock, you’ll be allowed to select from a list of options according to your wishes. Below are several options that are available for customization.

Style of hair: you can select from different available types of wigs or implanted hair, although this is best for hard heads. You can also select the color and length of your hair according to your wishes.

Tone of skin: most brands offer you a variety of skin colors, whether you want a black or white-skinned doll. Special brands like Dolls Castle make provision for skin colors like purple and green just to meet your needs.

Color of the eyes: you might want to think about the perfect color for your doll’s eyes, but there are so many unique eye colors to give your doll an astonishing look.

Color of Nipple and Labia: You can also select from different colors for these two major parts to get a unique doll.

Size of the areola: initiate intimacy to give you great memories and experiences.

Polishing of the nails: You can give your doll a pleasurable look by polishing its nails with bright colors.

Pubic hair: it is your choice to select the style and amount of hair implanted in the pubic area of your doll; it depends on your preferences.

Type of vagina: There are two major types of vagina available: an ejectable vagina and a fixed vagina. Each has its own unique features. The ejectable vagina is very easy to clean, which is why the fixed vagina looks more human-like.

Type of feet: it is in your hands to select between standing and non-standing feet. The standing foot has three screws that can provide it with stability while standing. Currently, the problem of hard screws that damage the sex doll feet is effectively resolved by major silicone brands that produce standing feet without bolt support or screws.

Skeletons: The framework of the sex doll varies between brands, most of which have been updated for greater flexibility in movement.

Body paints: specialties such as freckles, tan lines, special makeup, hyper-realistic body painting, etc. have proven to enhance the doll’s look.

Premium choices: An increasing number of options are being investigated to portray how real your sex doll can be. You can also select between options like body warmth, a movable jaw, articulating fingers, and moaning.

Add-on accessories: certain extra items are included to help improve the user experience of properly maintaining your doll. For example, there is provision for a penis attachment, a vagina cleaning kit, a detachable vagina insert that doesn’t require lube, a hook to hang up your doll storage, etc.

P.S.: Be informed that not every brand can use every option listed above, and every brand has its own distinct configurable possibilities.

Dolls that are well customized from top to bottom



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If you ever find yourself unsatisfied with the situation  of customization, there is an option for you to uniquely create your specialized design based on your fantasies. although it takes a longer time and tends to be very expensive to try to achieve this as a result of the extra design involved and the VIP manufacturing process. Hit the link below to request the full customization guide.

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