Where Can I Buy A Sex Doll?
After you have learned about sex dolls, you may want to buy one yourself, but this is not everywhere.
1. Local Sex Store
You can use Google Maps to locate nearby sex shops.
2. Amazon Sex Doll
3. Ebay Sex Doll
4. Online Sex Doll Store
RealDoll is an American sex doll website, they sell realistic silicone sex dolls, which can even see pores and blood vessels, their products also include sex robots, but their prices are also amazing, from thousands USD to tens of thousands.
MiisooDoll(miisoo.com) is a Chinese sex doll supplier, selling sex dolls from 65cm-180cm, there are more than 1000 dolls for you to choose from on this website. Their average price is about $ 1,000.
5. Socail Media about Sex Doll
You can find a lot of sex doll videos on youtube. Many websites sell products that are not exactly the same as the pictures. So check the real video and click the purchase link in the video introduction to ensure that you buy the same doll.
You can easily find many sex doll communities through reddit and check the buying experience shared by others, which is very helpful for newbie. r/SexDolls is the largest community among them.
6. Sex Doll Forum
Dollforum is the biggest sex doll forum, there are many user posts on it, and the official list of some trusted websites.