CategoriesSex Doll Care Tips

How To Replace Your Sex Doll’s Eyeballs?

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Changing the look of your sex doll is one of the ways by which you can keep things interesting. It often starts from the head. For instance, giving your real life real old pair of eyeballs helps you to change the eye color. We will show you how to change your sex doll’s eyeballs.

Tools required.

Removing your sex doll’s eyeballs for replacement is not a lengthy or complicated process. You only need a pair of tweezers or an ear pick.

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Begin by entering the eye socket from the side using the ear pick or tweezers. This will allow you to pray our the eyeball as well as the cotton stuffed behind it.

Once you have successfully removed both the eyeball and the cotton. You can reinsert fresh cotton or reuse the old cotton if it is still in good condition.

With The cotton stuffed into the eye socket, begin to reinstall the new eyeballs. Once the eyeball is in the socket, adjust then for a more natural look to focus on any angle you want.


Why do I have to stuff cotton behind the eyeballs?

Cotton provides some structural support for the eyeballs while ensuring that they do not just sit fixed in the eye socket. Hence you can move the eyeballs, but they will not move without you touching them.

Can I just pull the eyeballs out with my fingers?

It is possible to pull the eyeballs out with your fingers. But if you have long fingernails, it is also possible for your nails to damage the real life sex doll’s skin.

Where can I buy extra sex doll eyeballs?

We have an assortment of sex doll eyeballs with different colors and styles. Click here to buy some.



When removing the sex doll’s eyeballs, be sure to use the smooth end of the tweezers or ear pick. Sharp objects can easily damage the realistic sex doll’s skin.

Also, when replacing the real life real dolls eyes, be gentle so you do not pull off the eyelashes.

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